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18 de Septiembre, 2009 · aplicaciones moviles

emulador de gba para motorola z6

Version 0.2

Start: tecla verde
Direcciones: Joypad
A= boton 8
B= boton 5
R= Subir Volumen
L= Bajar Volumen
Salir= tecla retroceso y luego tecla roja
Menu emulador: Tecla inteligente, una vez en este menu nos movemos con el joypad y la tecla verde es OK, y tecla roja para salir.

Colocar los roms en /mmc/mmca1/.system/QTDownLoad/eZxVBA/Roms

Nuevas caracteristicas
*Menu del Emulador:
-Con la tecla inteligente entramos a este menu, en el mismo podemos:
-Resetear el Rom
-Guardar y cargar partidas
-Poner la pantalla en fullscreen
-Setear el frameskip
-Cambiar el keymap

En este menu nos movemos con los botones de direccion, y para cambiar una configuracion con las teclas de los costados y para guardar la configuracion o hacer click la tecla verde y para salir la roja.

Para guardar una partida seleccionamos el slot y luego oprimimos la tecla verde, y para cargar hacemos lo mismo.
Para poner en fullscreen selecionamos full en la opcion de Screen y oprimimos la tecla verde

-Sin sonido
-Por ahi el keymap deja de funcionar, mas aun si cierran el slider o dejan que se apague la pantalla

Palabras claves,
publicado por xmontisanx a las 21:02 · 12 Comentarios ·  Recomendar
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este emulador sirve para mi motorola Z6???? x favor de no ser asi avisenme de uno...
publicado por walter, el 23.09.2010 18:02
I took 1 st loans when I was very young and that aided my relatives a lot. Nevertheless, I require the consolidation loans once again.
publicado por Rhea, el 30.05.2011 00:39
I think that to get the business loans from banks you must have a great reason. But, once I have got a auto loan, just because I wanted to buy a house.
publicado por Wilda, el 03.06.2011 01:29
Every body admits that life seems to be expensive, nevertheless people need money for various stuff and not every person gets enough cash. Thus to receive some credit loans or small business loan will be good solution.
publicado por Melba, el 11.06.2011 02:34
Some time before, I needed to buy a good house for my corporation but I did not have enough money and couldn't purchase anything. Thank God my mate proposed to try to get the mortgage loans from trustworthy bank. Thus, I acted that and used to be satisfied with my auto loan.
publicado por Kayla, el 13.06.2011 06:41
Following my analysis, millions of people on our planet receive the loans at different banks. Hence, there is good possibilities to receive a student loan in all countries.
publicado por Mallory, el 12.07.2011 06:15
If you are in the corner and have got no money to go out from that point, you would need to receive the credit loans. Just because it will aid you definitely. I take car loan every time I need and feel great just because of it.
publicado por Rosario, el 05.08.2011 22:22
I opine that to get the home loans from creditors you should present a good motivation. However, once I've received a small business loan, because I wanted to buy a house.
publicado por Lucille, el 12.08.2011 05:36
If you want to buy real estate, you would have to receive the home loans. Furthermore, my father all the time utilizes a consolidation loan, which occurs to be really reliable.
publicado por Lorie, el 12.08.2011 23:54
Do not cash to buy a building? You not have to worry, because that is real to take the credit loans to solve such problems. Therefore take a consolidation loan to buy everything you require.
publicado por Althea, el 22.09.2011 09:45
Have no a lot of cash to buy a building? Don't worry, just because it is available to take the mortgage loans to work out such problems. Thence get a collateral loan to buy all you need.
publicado por Joy, el 22.12.2011 02:32
no agarra en el motorola z6
dice archivo no reconocido
publicado por gabe sfc, el 31.08.2012 14:35
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